Military Training of China’s high school and university

Military training as study—“teachers lead students into study but what they will get and remember due to their self-cultivation.” This kind of military training is to train students have strict military discipline and team spirit because at least a row will be punished if one of them faulted. The intension of military training of high school is…Read more Military Training of China’s high school and university

Excerpt of Buddhism Sutra-“Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya-sutra”&”Buddha said-loving-kindness of parents is too heavy to reimburse Sutra”

Buddhism indoctrinates and enlightens all beings, however, never enlightened those incorrigible humanities. China's Buddhism taught us tolerance, filial piety —not conservative bigots obey parents but family love, consideration, solicitude, forbearance and tolerance.—benevolent heart and rationally treat all of problems without any prejudice. Dharmas never tolerate any kind of malevolence, iniquity and immorality even little as needle,…Read more Excerpt of Buddhism Sutra-“Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya-sutra”&”Buddha said-loving-kindness of parents is too heavy to reimburse Sutra”

Taoism book—Trilogy of “Tao de ching—Tolerance(2)

Excerpts of Tolerance(2): 君子以公义胜私欲,故多爱;小人以私心蔽公道,故多害。多爱,则人之有技,若已有之;多害,则人之有技,囷疾以恶之。 Most of gentlemen are compassionate because they surmounted selfish desire by social ethics and justice; most of flunkies are injurious and sinister because their social ethics are covered by selfish motives. Gentlemen always feel delighted when others got skills; flunkies are always repulsively envying others when they got skills. Therefore, jealousy is selfish…Read more Taoism book—Trilogy of “Tao de ching—Tolerance(2)

Taoism book—“Tao de ching”(Taoist scriptures, Morals and Tolerance)–Tolerance

Excerpts of Tolerance:   祸兮福倚,福兮祸伏。 There’s auspiciousness in calamity and vice versa.   不平则鸣,物之常性,达人大观,与物不竞。 Making voice when felt dissatisfactory and iniquitous is the normality of human. However, philosophers could hold themselves from this world by thoroughly penetration.   顾大体者,不区区于小节;顾大事者,不屑屑于细故。视大圭者,不察察于微玷;得大木者,不怏怏于末蠹。 The person who can be considered overall situation never stickle on little blemish; the person who…Read more Taoism book—“Tao de ching”(Taoist scriptures, Morals and Tolerance)–Tolerance

Chinese traditional morality –study and work

正以处心,廉以律己,忠以事君,恭以事长,信以接物,宽以待下,敬以处事, 此居官之七要也。  Seven Rules of being officials: Have to have an honest and honorable heart. Have to be probity and integrity. Have to be allegiance to your country, have to esteem elders, have to be integrity to friends, have to be tolerance and lenience to subordinates, have to be reverent when solve works.   2.子曰:默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉。 …Read more Chinese traditional morality –study and work

The styles of ancient Chinese poem and essay-诗词歌赋

Ancient chinese like "吟诗作对" 吟诗:吟诵:chant(Read poems loudly with all your feeling, emotion and passions) 作对:写对子(write a pair of antithetical phrases) Style: "双手推开窗前月" 双:two 手:hands 推:push开:open窗:window前:front月:moon There's a moon on the sky after I opened the window by hands. “一石击破水中天” 一:one石:stone击:hit破:break水:water中:in天:sky I break the sky in the water by a stone. Rules: numeral-numeral, noun-noun, verb-verb and so…Read more The styles of ancient Chinese poem and essay-诗词歌赋

Chinese traditional Flower language -Four Gentlemen

Flowers languages are all over the world, china has its own flowers languages. chinese traditional culture and traditional chinese are not that easy to understand to western world, we give the life to those flowers and metaphor them as human and friends. chrysanthemum Autumn is coming, chrysanthemum will be blossomed. chrysanthemum, also named longevity in China.…Read more Chinese traditional Flower language -Four Gentlemen